
Our Philosophy...

The ACME Coaching Company works on a simple philosophy for our schools and clubs. Play to Learn and Learn through Play.

Lessons are built around the T.G.F.U. philosophy, which is based around gameplay, decision making, teamwork and putting participants at the center of their own learning.

Whether its within a PE lesson, an after school club or holiday camp; we believe sport is to be enjoyed. The social benefits of sport are on par with its role in a healthy and active lifestyle. Through sport many make friends for life, and we hope to start everybody on that journey.

We offer a range of services to help your school get the most out of PE.

Curriculum PE/ PPA Cover

We have built up a wealth of experience teaching the PE curriculum.

We deliver our sessions through a pupil centered approach that puts the child at the centre of their own learning.

We offer - Curriculum support, PPA cover, Sports Enrichment days.

After School Clubs

We have been providing wrap around care to our schools for many years.

We provide an environment where participants can play, keep fit and improve with their peers.

Some of the clubs we run include - Football, Cricket, Multi Skills, Badminton, Dodgeball, Gymnastics.

Problem Solving Workshop

We love the world of critical thinking and STEM.

Our Problem Solving Workshop can be tailored to your school. It involves an exciting competition that promotes teamwork and thinking outside the box.

Great for ages 8 and up!

PE Consultant/ Inset Days/ Teacher Training/

For us, teachers are hero's!

We believe in creating an environment for you to share new ideas and finding new ways to do what you do best... Teach!

We can offer our Team-Teach programme to Teachers and Specialist TA's. We can also provide inset sessions for your staff too!